US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ...

[Caucasian agent] was crushed under the Syrian army of foot ...

US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ... [Caucasian agent] was crushed under the Syrian army of foot Syrian army and its allies, has achieved a lot of success with victory in the shadow of the fierce war that is fought with Syria of terrorism. This has been supported strongly by an external force seeking any forces in order to support the cross-border extremist organization, these results, indicates that all forms of organization is far from the last masu army, robustness, showed tenacity, and high combat capability. Since it was not a paradox that terrorist organizations receive the beginning of their defeat in the Syrian army of the hand, where it is the Idlib, the southern part of the countryside of the village and the town of Idlib (Al-Shaara, Tal Axis, Rabiah, Khirbet Bernan) now in the army of hands was able to grab, due to the continuation of a series of disintegration in the various regions that have made history again, [Agnad Caucasus] and [HTS] fierce battle with extremists.