US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ...

[Mechanism of global jihad]

US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ... [Mechanism of global jihad] How do see the confusion to the Middle East order 0 years [Arab Spring] and later since, among which domestic politics confusion of in each country in the Middle East, terrorism occurs frequently, such as the rise of [Islamic State], regional order is very fluidized. In order to understand this series of flow is, or the Middle East itself is what recognize the status quo, especially if the Islamic world is aware of what the current situation subjectively, it is necessary to inherently grasp. To do so, (b) and intellectual history grasp of Islamist, of two of understanding, of the physical environment surrounding the (b) Middle East global perspective is the key. It can not ignore the impact that actually thought is given to the reality politics. However, only thought is not affect the reality, what are equipped with the physical environment, idea is to have the power. Importantly, to say that intrinsic understanding of the Middle East the world, should be distinguished strictly be [to the understanding] and [accept it], not to be confused with each other.