US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ...

Metaphor of the Middle East policy of Trump President [ISRAEL]

US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ... Strange of the Trump President, notably in the Middle East Speech and of the United Nations General Assembly of the United States of Donald Trump President, through the tariff involved in negotiations and dialogue between the United States and Japan with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, wonder of the standing position in the international relations of Trump president, has been increasingly emerged oddities you have. In Northeast Asia, North Korea is of itself to realize the denuclearization but I not wrong, the same how to cut the bold card, such as an attempt to link the USFK of withdrawal is also a feature of the Trump president. In particular, the Trump President boldness, oddities, it stands out in the Middle East. In the Middle East, is an ally, in Syria problem for Israel, which has become the most important parties, to achieve the Jerusalem transfer of the American Embassy, ​​the periphery of the Arab countries as well, bought a rebound of such European countries and it is something fresh in our memory.