US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ...

The most heinous terrorist group 0 election in the world Mirirepo

US opposition also specify Iran to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ... Terrorist organization that is the villain of the staple in the recent war action movie. However, terrorism is not in the presence of only in the screen. Terrorist attacks in the world is happening, it has become the era you do not know where to be involved in terrorism now. They do not choose the means if the order to carry out their own political purposes, and retaliation. And, they are sometimes the general public that can not be resistance as its target, indiscriminately aim at soft targets. And there are many terrorist organizations in the world. Although only part to introduce here, the group that is the most violent in the world. sponser Al-Shabaab East Africa Somali terrorist group, was founded in 00 years set a mission to eliminate the foreign troops to be stationed in the country. They aimed at the establishment of the Islamic government, because of its funds, ransom by kidnapping, piracy, illegal trade, and other, to obtain the funds dabbled in any criminal activity. Al-Shabaab is mainly placed under the control of southern Somalia, Kenya, has been active in Uganda.